Memphis Allies Posts

Most Recent Memphis Allies Posts

CVI Work is Like Running a Marathon

CVI Work is Like Running a Marathon

In a large ballroom at the Memphis Hilton, almost 500 people had gathered for the 2024 Breakthrough Conference dedicated to community violence intervention (CVI.)

Facing them was Anthony Smith, executive director of Cities United. Standing behind a lectern on stage, Smith would have a lot to say about CVI work and the necessity of cooperation and collaboration.

Self-Care Isn’t Selfish

Self-Care Isn’t Selfish

The danger of being on the front lines is never just immediate. Sometimes, it’s the collateral damage that hits home.

This is true for combat veterans – many of whom suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD), for law enforcement, for firefighters and correctional workers and, yes, for those working in community violence intervention (CVI).

A ‘Peacekeeping’ Mission

A ‘Peacekeeping’ Mission

Memphis Allies: A `peacekeeping’ mission in progress

Recently, Antonio Dowdy’s phone rang in the middle of the night. Dowdy, as a Memphis Allies outreach specialist, works to establish relationships with young people most at risk for gun violence.

Ashley Furniture and The Grizzlies

Ashley Furniture and The Grizzlies

Community Spotlight: Ashley’s and the Grizzlies give children a special night at FedEx Forum. Ashley’s Hope to Dream initiative partnered with the Memphis Grizzlies and Memphis Allies to bring beds to the children and siblings of Memphis Allies participants and others.

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