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Memphis Allies visits the ‘pitch’ at AutoZone Park

Awareness knows no bounds. So, it does not matter that in the Memphis neighborhoods with the most gun violence, pick-up basketball games are far more common than impromptu soccer matches.

Recently, Memphis Allies used a Saturday night Memphis 901 FC soccer match at AutoZone Park to raise awareness about its community violence intervention programs: SWITCH for adults, and SWITCH Youth for ages 12-18.

The latter is available citywide. SWITCH is offered in Raleigh/Frayser, Orange Mound, Hickory Hill and South Memphis. Soon, services will be coming to Binghampton, North Memphis and Whitehaven. Both SWITCH and SWITCH Youth provide program participants with an outreach specialist, a life coach, a case manager, a clinical therapist, and help with educational and employment opportunities.

This is not a 9-to-5 job.

– Porter

SWITCH stands for Support with Intention to Create Hope. As Memphis Allies expands and reaches more people most at risk for gun violence, it is essential that community partnerships—both formal and informal—continue to grow.

“We need the encouragement and buy-in of everybody in Memphis,” said Jevonte Porter, Memphis Allies’ director of community relations, and himself a proud product of Orange Mound. “We know from research, that on average one shooting leads to four more. Our core mission is trying to stop the next shooting.”

That is why Memphis Allies always must be trying to spread the word about the work. A professional soccer match downtown, Porter noted, was a good place to perhaps reach a new audience. But also, a great opportunity to engage with Memphis staff in a fun environment.

“This is not a 9-to-5 job,” Porter said. “Gun violence intervention is 365, 24-7 work.

“We are grateful to Memphis 901 FC for the opportunity to come downtown and show our staff how much we appreciate them, and to enjoy a time of fellowship while spreading awareness about Memphis Allies.”

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