Heal the Hood to provide ‘pro-social’ programming in support of SWITCH Youth Ladell Beamon’s Heal the Hood Foundation...

Heal the Hood to provide ‘pro-social’ programming in support of SWITCH Youth Ladell Beamon’s Heal the Hood Foundation...
Founder Tim Jones ‘knows how to reach the streets’ The first time Carl Davis saw him, Tim Jones was on stage at a Holy...
Change will require the ’collective us,’ Mayor Young says Jevonte Porter, Memphis Allies’ community relations...
Memphis Allies: Interrupting the drumbeat of gun violence Life coach Briant Kelly, also known as B Radical, has a routine with the guys he works with in Memphis Allies’ SWITCH program: he calls them first thing in the morning and again before they go to bed at night....
For partner organizations, the pattern of change has started Ephie Johnson, president and CEO of Neighborhood Christian Centers, Inc., was a co-host of the first Breakthrough Conference in 2023. She liked what the national speakers on community violence intervention,...
Community Spotlight: Ashley’s and the Grizzlies give children a special night at FedEx Forum Ashley’s Hope to Dream initiative partnered with the Memphis Grizzlies and Memphis Allies to bring beds to the children and siblings of Memphis Allies participants and...